We are so proud and happy to be amongst so many great female-led, sustainable brands that we just couldn't not share them with you all during this gifting season! We're just sorry we didn't have time to put this together until now.

We have broken them up by categories too! 


Smell it!:

For sophisticated, feminine, and classy candles:

- relixcandlecollective

- avenuechandelle


For sweet scents and cute, pinterest-worthy candles:

- malathebrand

- kiligcandleco

- shophomecoming


For badass candles that smell guud:

- hyggelifevancouvershop

- lighterscandlecompany (they make covid label candles, they're quite genius)

- boy__smells


Wear it!:


- arraeicollective

- littlewhitehouseco

- whimsyandrow


For Accessories:

- supercrush

- shopchelseaking

- charlieandpaisley

- peachisummer



- emnmay

- wearhuha

- popunderwear

- underclubco



- sokolofflingerie

- lorettelingerie

- blushlingerie


Smear/Spray it!:

- sigilscent

- nalacare

- youdeewyou

- noto_botanics

- harlowskinco

- libertinefragrance

- bucknakedsoapcompany


Eat it!:

- itsblume

- woashwellness

- smartsweets

- zimtchocolates